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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

DeKalb AYSO Region 193

COVID-19 General Information

DeKalb AYSO Guidelines

Face masks are no longer required. 

We remain committed to everyone staying safe as we get back to soccer. Please visit this COVID-19 tab for updates on any region specific guidelines for COVID-19.

  • We will be very open with communication.  If a participant tests positive or must quarantine based on guidelines from the CDC or IDPH for Covid-19, that information will be communicated to the team while maintaining confidentiality regarding the health status and player information.  
  • Games will be scheduled with social distancing in mind and we will stagger start and end times.
  • Ensure multiple pairs of keeper gloves for 10U and up.**

What happens in the event of a player or household member test positive for Covid-19

  • When any member of the household has a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, that player must get a physicians clearance for them to return to play.  That player must also follow all CDC and IDPH guidelines including isolating for the required amount of time.  
  • Proof of a negative Covid-19 must be submitted to Kristi Radtke (Regional Commissioner) at [email protected].  Once Kristi reviews the medical clearance, she will then let the coach know and then you will be allowed to participate in AYSO activities.  

Coaches Responsibility

  • Maintain social distancing requirements on the sidelines.
  • Ensure all players have and handle their own labeled equipment (ball, water bottle, training disks, etc.)
  • Do not allow others to handle coaching equipment (e.g.: cones, disks, etc.); do not let parents or attendees assist.
  • Do not allow sharing of equipment.  
  • Use hand sanitizer on arrival, mid-way, and end of games and practices.  Region will provide hand sanitizer to each team.
  • Do not allow physical greeting of players (verbal acknowledgement is expected).
  • Report to Regional Commissioner if a parent states that a player or family member tested positive for Covid-19.

Parent/Spectators Responsibilities 

  • Ensure your child is healthy. Check for Covid-19 symptoms and test child’s temperature before departing for soccer (if above 100.4, do not attend)
  • When registering your player, you will have to sign a Covid-19 waiver.  By signing this waiver, you agree that if your child is at an AYSO activity, they are symptom free according to CDC and IDPH guidelines and that nobody in the household has any Covid-19 symptoms. 
  • Notify your Coach or Regional Commissioner immediately when your child/player or family member test positive for Covid-19 or get exposed to Covid-19.
  • Do not assist coach with equipment before or after training. Only the coach should touch the equipment.
  • No community snacks for during or after the game.

Players Responsibilities

  • Inform parents or a coach if they feel sick.
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after a practice or game.
  • Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment.
  • Practice social distancing, place bags and equipment at least 6 feet apart.
  • No sharing drinks (players should mark their own water bottles).
  • No physical greetings with teammates (verbal acknowledgement is expected). We are physical distancing not social.
  • No handshake before or after the game is allowed.


COVID-19 Symptoms
Click here for AYSO COVID-19 Resource Video 

Updated 06/15/21

Reporting of COVID-19

Please report a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 or contact with COVID-19 positive person immediately to the team coach via phone and by e-mail to the Regional Commissioner:  [email protected]

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Contact Us

DeKalb AYSO Region 193

PO Box 209 
DeKalb, Illinois 60115

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 815-758-7320
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